
Friday, September 23, 2011

A word...

Alhamdulillah, Thanks to Allah for every nikmah that has not been stopped till today..
May Allah gives us strength to hold on and mujahadah in His way in order to gain His pleasure and the Jannah. I don't have much to say in this post, only a word to share to the readers.. Let's rethink..

"You are doing something to pleasure HUMAN or pleasure ALLAH?"


"We know that this action is not right, BUT why we're not doing right things?"

May Allah show us the right way in doing things, make easy in everything we're gonna do today and in the future, and be with us in every steps and minutes in our life... Don't mind what people will judge onto your action, but do care about Allah's perception. Allah, He's our creator, He knows our weakness and strength, He's knows what best for us, so LETS PUT FULLY HOPES AND LOVES only to Him..

May Allah Bless

p/s: Sangat beruntungnya manusia itu apabila bersamanya sahabat-sahabat yang soleh..

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Now, it's begin..


   Segala pujian saya panjatkan hanya pada ALLAH... Hanya Dia yang memahami, Maha Memberi segalanya dan Maha Pengasih pada hamba-hambaNYA... meskipun kita selalu alpa dan lupa akan nikmat pemberianNYA..

   Hmm, saat meneliti blog ni (sudah mula bersawang kerna lama x di update), baru saya sedar dah lama saya tak menulis mengerah buah fikiran untuk disemadikan disini.. Bukan melupakan kehadirannya, tapi masa yang ada tidak mengizinkan saya duduk mencoret... Allah izin, cuti 2 bulan ni banyak masuliyah yang perlu diutamakan.. jadi, masa untuk diri pun kurang.. Allah Maha Mengetahui apa yang tersingkap di sebalik sesuatu..

   Pejam celik dua tiga kali, nampaknya cuti selama hampir dua bulan ni dah tiba ke penghujung... saya suka dan gembira.. sebab dah lama sangat tak study.. saya menanti fasa ini.. campus life.. ketemu kawan2, roommate, classmate n etc.. berdiskusi ttg pelajaran, assignments dan quizzes (ada ke yg menanti perkara ni?).. hehe, apapun, post kali ni di coret sebab nak wish; to all friends...

"Start it with new spirit and enjoy the journey along the sem"

start it: refresh yourself and be prepared for future challenges..

Maybe things will be difficult, or maybe it is easy, only Allah knows what will happen in the future.. but always remember to pray to Him in every conditions of our life.. may Allah bless us :)

                                              Word of the day:

"It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it, but it's also true that we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives."


p/s: Fighting!!